1. Special attention is paid by class teachers in choosing suitable monitors. Names are submitted to the principal at the beginning of each academic year.
  2. Monitors must be as far as possible exemplary in conduct and industrious in studies.
  3. They must be able to command respect in the class.
  4. They are appointed for all assistance in the class e.g. maintaining discipline, collecting or distributing books, attending to cleanliness and neatness of the class room, bringing charts, maps, etc,
  5. They must rub out the “writing on the Black board immediately after each period.
  6. The monitor will be responsible for all happenings in the class during the absence of the teacher.
  7. The monitors are made to realize that to be a monitor is a special privilege and honour, if betray the trust and confidence reposed in them is to commit a most degrading act.
  8. Once in two months a meeting of monitors is held under the guidance of the teacher appointed by the Principal. The meeting aims at improving discipline and redressing grievances by adopting methods and means.
  9. It is incumbent on all monitors to report to the Principal, the teacher in-charge or the class teacher any breach of discipline noticed even during the recess.
  10. In the event of a teacher being absent, they must inform the Principal within the first five minutes from the commencement of periods..
  11. In the absence of Class monitor, the assistant shall function in the same capacity.

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