1. It is a matter of deep concern that parents send children suffering from infectious diseases to attend classes or examination. Such conduct could result in an epidemic outbreak in the entire school. At the first sign of rash / fever, the child should be medically examined and sent to school only on the advice of the doctor. After recovery from an infections ailment, a child should remain at home for a period of quarantine as advised by doctor. On return to school, a medical fitness certificate, duly signed by a doctor should be submitted to the office..

    Quarantine period recommended for :

    Chicken Pox - 3 weeks
    Measles - 2 weeks
    Mumps - 2 weeks
    Conjunctivitis - 1 weeks

  3. If children come to school with infections ailments, they will be sent home and the taxi fare will be charged from the Parents / guardian.
  4. During the unit tests if the child is ill, please do not sent him/ her just for the test. A student must be well enough to be in the school for the whole day. In case a child is ill, and could not attends test or examination a medical certificate must be provided.

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